We’ve made some huge improvements to the PHP Login and User Management Script including radically changing and improving the way that User Sessions are handled. You can now view and delete individual user sessions, as well as allowing multiple logins from the same user account – or turning that off so that you log someone else off if you sign in with the same account, as it was before.
We’ve also improved security around the Remember Me cookie (persistant login) and the Password Reset function. A link is now sent to the email address, which you then click to change the password, rather than the password itself be sent through the email. This was a long time coming! We’ve also improved and streamlined the database, added Goole Recaptcha and made some nice GUI chganges, especially around user management.
If you are updating the script, it might be best to contact us first for assiatnce as a lot depends on what version of the script you are using. If you have recently downloaed Version 2.5 then the update will be much easier, earlier versions require changes to the passwords for each user, updating them to BCRYPT, which is a lot more work. As always, take backups before attempting to update the script.
We recently upgraded to version 2.5, which was not straightforward. In the end we required a patch in order to see what error message was being produced.
Having — eventually — got v2.5 into production, what is now required in order to upgrade to the latest version?
HI, there are a lot of changes required unfortunately, but they are all for the betterment and progress of the script. If you have 2.5 up and running then hopefully you are already running with BCRYPT hashed passwords. Please contact me via the Contact Form and I can discuss with you where to go from here.