Angry Frog

My Two Hour Customer Service Chat with Virgin Media (that got me no where fast)

I’ve been a customer of Virgin Media in the UK for many years, enticed away from Sky with an amazing offer, many moons ago. In their defence, I’ve not had that many issues and their broadband speed in to my premises is currently 200 meg – the only provider to offer this speed. Their new Tivo box, delievered for free a year or so ago, improved the TV service somewhat, so on a day to day basis, I’d say I was a satisfied customer. But the price, set at £58 odd in 2018 with some promotions applied, rose to £70 and is now at a whopping £90. Time to try my luck again right, and get some discount for being a loyal customer. Try, being the word!

There’s no sense in holding back. Virgin Media’s customer services is beyond shocking, a parody of bad customer services, the likes of which we see in comedy shows like Little Britain – “Computer Says No!”

Being at work and thinking I might avoid being on hold on the phone, I used their chat feature which I started at 8:38am. It took a whole hour before I was given the link to their Secure Form to enter my password, and then another hour of tumbleweed responses (twenty or so minutes in between each one) before I was eventually told, ‘we can’t do anything for you’. Or in other words, ‘Computer says No!’.

You only have to visit review website like Trustpilot to see that I am far from alone. 9,450 reviews with an average of one star and the comments reveal a worrying trend of customers fighting to get anywhere, often being cut off from calls or waiting on hold for what seems like eternity. Even new customers are having massive issues. Why anyone would currently choose to move to them is anyones guess.

If it wasnt for the fibre, I’d move away from them in a instance. I know now that I have to fight to get through to cancellations, to be offered any kind of deal that might persuade me to stay. And if I stay, I have to pray that everything works and I won’t ever need to rely on customer services.

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